
Dr. Heveson Lima
Position: Professor, Federal University of Western Bahia
Phone: +55 (77) 3639-5604
Research ID: AAH-4910-2019
Orcid: 0000-0003-1266-6064
Scopus ID: 57212313307
Professional Affiliations:
- Multidisciplinary Center of Luís Eduardo Magalhães, Federal University of Western Bahia.
- Coordinator of the Research and Extension Support Center.
- Ad-hoc Internal Consultant for the Scientific, Technological, and Innovation Initiation Program.
- Member of the Reviewer Board of International Journal of Electronics and Device Physics.
- Member of the Editorial Board of American Journal of Optics and Photonics.
Projects in Progress:
The investigation, through crystal field theory, of persistent luminescence mechanisms.
Synthesis, characterization, and theoretical investigation of the mechanisms of TL and OSL of materials containing lanthanide ions.
New materials for ionizing radiation sensor.
Advanced materials containing rare earth ions for the development of optical devices.
Computational study of solid-state materials.
Lanthanide spectroscopy.
Undergraduate Students:
Bruna Novais
Daniel Prado da Fonseca
Guilherme Simões de Carli
Dr. Afrânio Souza - Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)
Dr. Marcos A. Couto dos Santos - Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)
Dr. João V. Batista - Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA)
Dra. Linda VE Caldas - Energy and Nuclear Research Institute (IPEN)
Dra. Patrícia L. Antonio - Energy and Nuclear Research Institute (IPEN)