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The rate equations from the article "Elucidating the effect of intrinsic defects on the dosimetric properties of the MgB4O7 compound: an atomistic simulation approach" are:
where p, N, An, and Am are constants. In our article, we consider: p = 0.550, N = 1010, An = 4.6*10(-8), Am = 10**(-7), n(0)=1.4*10**9, and nc(0)=0.
Test other parameter values in the following application.
Instructions for use:
To fill in the parameters, we use Python notation, so we should express the numbers as follows: 100 = 10**2, 1/100 = 10**(-2), 6/10 = 0.6, 300 = 3*10**2, 1400 = 1.4*10**3
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